This colorway was designed for the Thriller Genre of the Craft Summer Reading Program! For the thriller box I wanted to create a 'creepy' colorway. Something that felt mysterious and...
The lush, deep green of the English Yew. This colorway was used to design the Pendean Shawl. Dye Technique: Adventure (speckle dyed) Dye is applied directly...
This colorway was designed for the Thriller Genre of the Craft Summer Reading Program! A light gray the same shade as a fog rolling. Foggy gray is simple but a beautiful compliment to...
Inspired by a white gazebo in a town square. My hometown gazebo is in Lakewood Park and overlooks Lake Erie. Pairs With: The Hometown Collection! This pairs especially...
This kit includes one skein of yarn and a matching, faux fur pom. Perfect for knitting a hat! Caves formed underneath glaciers are the inspiration for...
This colorway was designed for the Thriller Genre of the Craft Summer Reading Program! For the Thriller I knew I wanted a really stunning red. Nothing says drama like red! Killer...
Nor'Easter is inspired by the snowy landscapes of winter. White with black and gray speckles, this colorway works up beautifully! Dye Technique: Tonal Speckle SolidTonal...
Nor'Easter is inspired by the snowy landscapes of winter. White with black and gray speckles, this colorway works up beautifully! Dye Technique: Tonal Speckle SolidTonal...
Violently swirling blue water, with flashes of steel grey and splotches of deep red. Horror story or beautiful yarn? Dye Technique: Adventure (speckle dyed) Dye...
The Weald and Downland living museum in the English Country side inspired this colorway - whitewashed walls, rustic wood, and a speckle of greenery. This...
The Weald and Downland living museum in the English Country side inspired this colorway - whitewashed walls, rustic wood, and a speckle of greenery. This...
Inspired by photographs of fields of wildflowers, this speckle dyed yarn is bursting with spring colors! Dye Technique: Adventure (speckle dyed)Dye is applied directly to the...